Louise Angell
BBC Manager, Derby & Leicester Big Screens
Tel: 01332 375049
Mob: 0780 959 7962, Mobex: 071 75049
BBC Derby, PO Box 104.5, Derby, DE1 3HL
Geraldine McCullagh
Editor, Screens Operational Centre
BBC Birmingham, The Mailbox, Birmingham, B1 1RF
Tel: 0121 567 6179
Mob: 07764 335203, Mobex: 0176179
Matthew Pells
Technical Manager
BBC Big Screens
Tel: 07809-597554
Internal 07140356
When the BBC submission will take place, depends on testing and further development. I have contacted bigscreenleicester@bbc.co.uk with some questions regarding the submission details and some technical questions and since then I have been in contact with the following people. I spoke to Geraldine McCullagh (because Louise Angell was on annual leave) and she could confirm the following issues.
- The camera of the screen can zoom, tilt and turn – but needs to be setup before the program runs as it cannot be changed during the screening.
- They cannot provide me with any example footage of the camera due to their policies.
- Testing on the screen can be arranged with Louise Angell in Leicester.
- The schedule of screening the application can be variable.
- The submission itself is very fast, maybe a week or two.
- The actual screening time can be between 20 mins and 3 hours.
I also emailed Matthew Pells, the technical manager of the Big Screens. He was able to confirm that I will need a standalone executable for them to run, as they won’t install any necessary software just for my project. I can submit the code via FTP or just burn it on CD. The project should be compiled to run on a PC instead of a Mac. I still need to confirm if they have Quicktime installed or not.
From now on I will be in contact with Louise Angell for the rest of the process.