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"Reincarnation" is an off-shoot from a visual performance for the Rambert Dance Company's "Iatrogenesis" at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank, London UK - visuals for the latter directed by my good friends at flat-e.


The project began when I started working with footage of the Rambert dancers. Inspired by the footage, I wrote custom software to track the motion and generate the visuals you see in the video below... and "Reincarnation" was born. 


For the Rambert's "Iatrogenesis" piece, I created similar visuals, abstract visual layers containing subtle hints of human forms and motion, which would tie in with the movement of the dancers on stage. These were used by flat-e and composited with various other layers and projected on a see-through gauze in front of the stage.


The video (and music) you see below is not representative of the visuals (and music) of the Rambert's and flat-e's "Iatrogenesis". This is just a standalone piece born from working with the Rambert choreography.



When the clip starts, you probably won't recognize a human shape at first, but your eyes and mind will be searching, seeking mental connections between abstract shapes and recognizable patterns, like looking for shapes in clouds. You'll be questioning what you see, is that it? is it sitting? is it crouching? is it kneeling? Then all of a sudden, it'll be crystal clear. Then you'll try and keep it in focus, following it as it moves around, tracking each limb, using the motion to construct an image of the parts you can't see. It'll fade in and out of clarity. At times you'll be clinging onto just the tip of it's hand swinging round, trying to identify any other recognizable parts. You might see another arm or leg and grab onto it, fighting not to lose it. Then it'll be crystal clear again, and then all of a sudden vanish, literally in a puff of smoke, and your eyes will start searching again.


Made with openFrameworks


The dancers are Robin Gladwin and Miguel Altunaga. Choreography by Alexander Whitley.

 Reincarnation      Vimeo